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Welcome To Inner Growth Therapy - Celine Redfield- Portland Oregon

Welcome To Inner Growth Therapy - Celine Redfield- Portland Oregon

Learn how Celine works with clients.
Welcome to Inner Growth Therapy

Welcome to Inner Growth Therapy

A welcome from Celine Elise Redfield to prospective clients to Inner Growth Therapy.
Grounding to Calm Stress and Anxiety

Grounding to Calm Stress and Anxiety

How to Calm your Stress and Anxiety through the use of grounding techniques. Grounding uses mindfulness of the present moment to help you to become more calm and connected with you body. Check out this post that accompanies this video: innergrowththerapy.com/...xiety-stress
4-7-8 Breathing Technique

4-7-8 Breathing Technique

This 3 minute video is a part of a 3 of 3 of a breathing exercise series. In this video you will learn how to do the 4 -7-8 to help you to reduce stress and calm anxiety. Check out the post that this is paired with: innergrowththerapy.com/...g-technique/
4 Square Breathing Technique

4 Square Breathing Technique

This 3 minute video is a part of a 2 of 3 of a breathing exercise series. In this video you will learn how to do the 4 square breathing technique to help you to reduce stress and calm anxiety. Check out the post that this is paired with: innergrowththerapy.com/...g-technique/
How to Breathe Deeper with your Diaphragm

How to Breathe Deeper with your Diaphragm

Watch this video to learn about the importance of breathing and how to Breathe Diaphragmatically. Check out the article that is attached to this video: innergrowththerapy.com/...e-of-breath/
EFT to Reduce Anxiety

EFT to Reduce Anxiety

Watch this 10 minute video and learn what EFT is , how to do it and do a round of it to reduce anxiety. Want to learn more about EFT, anxiety and how and book a session with Celine? Visit innergrowththerapy.com to learn more.
alternate nostril breathing

alternate nostril breathing

This 4 minute video will show you how to do alternate nostril breathing to help you reduce anxiety. If you would like to learn more about Celine and her private practice Inner Growth Therapy. Please visit her @ innergrowththerapy.com
EFT Tapping for stress relief and intuition

EFT Tapping for stress relief and intuition

Learn the basics of EFT tapping to help relieve stress and connect with you higher self and intuition. Read the blog post that inspired this video @

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